Friday, December 23, 2011

Candy Jars

I am in love with this craft! Ever since I saw them here, I have wanted to make them. My sister is a candy fiend, so I thought this would make a good Christmas present for her.

I looked everywhere for a cheaper set of candle sticks but finally broke down and bought the ones at Wal-Mart.
The only color they came in was black. While I love that color and use it a lot in decorating, since the present was for my sister, I decided to paint them white. That way she could use them in any room in her house (i.e. in the bathroom, filled with cotton balls, etc).

First, my dad helped me to spray paint them. We used a primer to cover as much of the black as we could. Of course, it has rained for days here, so we had to go to the lake and paint them inside the house (which is in the process of being built so if we got paint on the plywood floors, it wouldn't matter). After giving it about 4-5 coats (with wait time for drying in between) of primer, we spray painted them white. We also gave them 4-5 coats then decided to let them dry overnight to make sure they were covered thoroughly.

Hollow book

I haven't posted in a while but I have still been creating. I am trying to give something I make with every gift I give this Christmas season. Well, as many gifts as I can.
In keeping with this theme and since I am giving gift cards to my cousins, I decided to make the gift card holders instead of just giving them in an envelope.
As a kid, I ALWAYS wanted a hollow know, those books that sit on the shelf but when you open them, there was space inside to hide things?
Well, I decided to make one of my cousins a hollow book. My inspiration came from here.

Of course, I forgot to take pictures of the process and the finished product before I wrapped it, but I may just have to unwrap it (very carefully) so I can show it off before taking it tonight to give it away. :)

FYI: if I ever do this again, which I most prob will since it was so much fun, I will make the margin bigger. 0.5 inches was difficult to work with, especially as I got further into the book.