Sunday, June 10, 2012

Birthday card for Kendell

This past May, my friend's daughter turned 2.  She loves Mickey Mouse, and so I created the card and envelope below to for her birthday. Inspiration came from several sources (and from my own creativity), but here is where I got the instructions for the envelope, and the "saying" for the card.

Here are some pictures of how they turned out:
Instead of a present, I gave her $10...which made up Micky's bowtie.  I googled "How to fold money into a bowtie" and followed the directions from the YouTube video I found.

The card fits down inside the envelope.  As soon as I can get the photo of the card in the envelope uploaded, I will post it as well.

Birthday Cards for Lillian

Back in February/March, I went to a birthday party for my college roommate's daughter.  She LOVES Disney princesses, so I tried to make a theme present(s) that all centered around that. I got her a bunch of little presents that all had Disney princesses on them at Toy's R Us for under $20, then wrapped them in brown wrapping paper and pretty ribbon.  I put a card or tag on each of them that went with the theme.  Here are the some of the cards/tags.

This one is my favorite...I embossed a princess gown using a stamp and silver powder.

Baby clothes Sushi

It has been a while since I last posted, but I have still been busy creating. I need to just get caught up blogging about it. :)

Here is my latest creation, thanks to Pinterest, found here.
The black box on the envelope just covers up the name. I did the lettering on the card as well.
Here is another view of the plate and "sushi"

I used everything like the original post (found through the link above) except for the black table cloth.  I used a cutup t-shirt instead. I am not sure it if was easier or harder than it would have been with the table cloth, but it was what I had on hand.

This is what it looks like before you add the black cloth

It was pretty easy to do...the trickiest part was trying to keep the double rolls tight while putting the black cloth around them.

So, what do you think?