Saturday, November 5, 2011

The First...step by step

I did take pictures while working on the melted crayon art project.

Here are the directions on how I did it.

First, bought crayons in the big box...I wanted pretty colors, and I knew I wanted to make more, so I bought a couple of boxes.

The pin on the board and an "a" on it but through following the blog it was posted from, I found how to do the one without it.

First I lined up all my colors the way I wanted them on the board. Yes, I am anal but I tried to stick with the ROY G BIV rainbow spectrum. Not sure it worked but at least I tried.

I then hot glued the crayons onto the board. Since they were going to be melted, I didn't worry about drawing a line and lining them up correctly. I did later for a different project but I'll talk about it in a bit. Oh and yes, my students did help me with the project, but they did not work with this part. Middle schoolers with a hot glue gun?? No thank you!

After they were all glued and I made sure they weren't coming off, I used a heat gun (had a few at my house since I do embossing) to start the melting. You can also use a hair dryer but I have heard it takes longer.

Once the melting started and I got the hang of it, I got my students to help. They were sitting next to me so I could make sure the gun was used correctly and that the melting went okay. It did smoke some, which worried me since we were in a school and I didn't want the fire alarms to go off, but it was minimal.

Once we were finished, I had the students sign the back of the board. I also included the date. We then presented the art to the art teacher, who absolutely loved it. She has it hanging in her art room and gets a lot of comments on it. My principal has mentioned that we may be able to make a bunch of smaller ones and sell them when we have board meetings at our school. They would be a great fund raiser!

The next crayon art I made, I tried having the letter on it. Using painters tape and a stencil, I cut out the letter "e" and put it on the board.

After melting the crayons, I pulled off the painters tape. M
ine did not look anything like picture. There was tape left on the board and the crayon had run into the "e" space. I was disappointed in the turn out, so I bought a smaller board and tried again. (I did not get any pictures of that first one.)

I did measure the board this time when gluing the crayons on b/c I didn't want to use enough crayons to go across the whole board. Didn't really work well since I didn't have a ruler at home but it wasn't too off, so I was okay with it.

After melting the crayons this time, I pulled off the tape and saw that although it wasn't as bad as the first time, there was still crayon on the "e". So, I used a white crayon and melted it along the letter to make it stand out more.

The directions say to make sure and take the tape off before it cools completely, so I think that was my problem.

I gave this one to my god daug
hter for her 3rd birthday. She loves the color blue, so that is why I chose those crayons. I think she liked it. I am going to keep working and trying to make it better. I want it to look like these!

When I get really good, I want to make this one found here.

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