Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Third

Here is the inspiration for my third project that I took from Pinterest.

When I found this project, I thought it was awesome but seeing as how I am single, I didn't have anyone I could make it for.

A few weeks ago, I went to visit my cousin and her family in Greer. This is her three children's first year in public school and since I am a public school teacher, I love hearing how they are doing. Chloe, her youngest, is in 2nd grade and just learning to read well. She has finally learned to love reading and is doing a great job. I wanted to get/make her something to show her how proud I was of her and this project popped in my head. I wouldn't do "52 reasons I love you" but I could do something about reading. And so, my third project began. "52 Reasons Reading is Cool."

First, I tried to use the templates found here to create the printouts. I knew I needed a specific size and so I thought that would be the easiest way. Turns out, I don't have the correct software to edit the template, so I decided to go to the next step and worry about that part later.

Using Google, I looked up quotes about reading, reasons reading is good/cool and verses in the bible that I could use. I then made a list in Microsoft Word to make sure I had 52. I liked the idea of getting different fonts for each reason so I found a free font site (found here) and downloaded the ones I like. I used some of the default fonts that come with Word and combined them with the ones I downloaded until I had a good variety.

I then had to go back to my problem with the template. After trying several free editors online, I abandoned the template altogether and just use a chart in word. I made a 9 by 9 chart in Word and copied one of the reasons into the first box. I then printed it, cut it out and fit it on my card from the deck. It was too big, so I adjusted the margins of the table and tried again. Perfect! I copied and pasted all my reasons onto the chart and printed.

Now, to get the cards ready. I wanted the holes to be even and as centered as I could on each card, so I took one of the instruction cards, folded it in 1/2. I used the fold in the middle to fold it into thirds. I then made my hole template with the other instruction card.
You can see from the picture that I got the holes too close to the edge the first time so I had to punch it again. Next step, I took a binder clip and clipped the cards to the template so I could punch them. I found that I could punch two to three cards at a time. If you have a fancy hole puncher, you may be able to do more at one time. I did end up using two binder clips on the stack so that I could be sure they were really lined up. After punching holes in about 5 cards, I got the hang of it and it went pretty fast. Finally all the cards were done and ready to have the reasons glued on them. I used a paper cutter to make uniform cuts on all my boxes. Course, this is me and it wouldn't be my project if stuff wasn't a little "off" so I had plenty of different sizes.
I then took the papers that I had cut and glued each one to a different playing card.

Now to the cover. Using scrapbook paper that I already had, I covered one of the jokers and put it at the back of the deck as the back cover. Using the other joker, I cut out letters from the scrapbook paper and put "Fifty-two reasons reading is cool" on the front.

After looking at the finished project, I decided that it needed a better cover. I still wanted the card with the words on it in the pack but wanted a better cover to match the back. So I cut out more scrapbook paper and decorated a joker from another deck. Here is my front cover:

And here are pictures of the four card "types" (front cover, title page, reason and back cover) and the final product.

This was a fun project. I really enjoyed making it and have already found two more reasons to give this as a gift. I am already working on the next card book. Post more on those later!

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